Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Results
Supersymmetry, Supergravity and Superstrings '86: Proceedings of the Trieste Spring School I... by De Wit, B., Fayet, P., Gris... ISBN: 9789971501440 List Price: $144.00
Superstrings 1988: Conference Proceedings by Green, Michael B., Grisaru,... ISBN: 9789971508524 List Price: $109.00
Superspace or One Thousand and One Lessons in Supersymmetry (Frontiers in Physics) by Gates, S. James, Jr., Grisa... ISBN: 9780805331608 List Price: $65.00
Supersymmetry, Supergravity and Superstrings 86 Proceedings of the Trieste Spring School Ict... by De Wit, B., Fayet, P., Gris... ISBN: 9789971501457 List Price: $49.00
Superstrings 1987: Proceedings of the 1987 Trieste Spring School on Superstrings by Alvarez-Gaume, L., Green, M... ISBN: 9789971505189 List Price: $44.00
Superspace or One Thousand and One Lessons in Super Symmetry by Gates, S. James, Jr., Grisa... ISBN: 9780805331615 List Price: $43.00
Superstrings '88 by Green, Michael B., Grisaru,... ISBN: 9789971508722 List Price: $46.00
Superstrings 1987 : Proceedings of the Trieste Spring School on Superstrings, 1987 by Alvarez-Gaume, L., Green, M... ISBN: 9789971502973 List Price: $102.00